The due date to get your cards in has been extended! Get your cards emailed to me by: December 15th!First place prize will be posted in a couple of days. $50 dollar value!
My card: Quote says, "How do I know you wont spend it all on Eggnog?"Yes, it's that time... Time to get your handmade/designed cards made and ready to send out for the holidays! I know I'm not ready, but I'm getting started now.
I'd like to see a photo of your handmade/designed Christmas (Or whatever holiday you celebrate!) Cards you are sending out for 2008 (along with any holiday greetings you've included). I'm collecting them through November and preparing my Holiday Card vote off. There will be first, second, and third place winners!
To participate (all entries must be received by December 15th by 11:59pm pacific time):
1 ...
Email me photos (jpeg format, or a link to a photo on your flickr account) of your 2008 holiday card.
2 ... Include your
email address,
home address, and
one web address link you'd like me to post with your name. All of these need to be included with your submission.
- Only one card submitted per person.
- The cards must be designed by you.
- 1 and 2 must be completed to enter (I will need all that information above and I will not sell your personal info).
- Voting will start Tuesday December 16th, and ends Monday December 22nd.
- Have fun!
Do you need some inspiration? I love this new book I found
"Merry Christmas From..." by, Karen Robert. Check it out! There are some awesome cards in that book and on her website! Or, buy it on

Photo used in my Christmas Card is taken by Craig Mitchelldyer in Portland, OR.